Arbor Realty: A REIT Gem

Arbor Realty: A REIT Gem
Arbor Realty: A REIT Gem



Arbor Realty: A REIT Gem


Arbor Realty Trust, Inc. is a real estate investment trust (REIT) that invests in a diversified portfolio of multifamily and commercial real estate-related loans and other debt investments. They operate in the United States and are headquartered in Uniondale, New York. Arbor has a long history of providing innovative and flexible financing solutions to meet the needs of their clients. They pride themselves on providing a superior customer experience and building long-lasting relationships with their clients.


Arbor Realty Trust was founded in 2003 and has grown to become one of the largest publicly traded mortgage REITs in the country. They have a long history of successful lending and investing in a wide range of real estate-related assets. Over the years, they have developed a strong reputation for providing innovative and flexible financing solutions to their clients.


Ivan Kaufman is the Chairman, CEO, and President of Arbor Realty Trust. He has over 30 years of experience in the real estate industry, and under his leadership, Arbor has become a leader in real estate finance. Kaufman is well-known in the industry for his expertise and is frequently invited to speak at conferences and events.


Arbor Realty Trust’s vision is to be the premier provider of financing solutions for real estate investors. They are committed to providing their clients with flexible and innovative financing solutions that help them achieve their goals. They are constantly looking for ways to improve their products and services and to provide their clients with the best possible experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the dividend yield for Arbor Realty Trust?

The dividend yield for Arbor Realty Trust is currently 8.65%. This is higher than the average dividend yield for mortgage REITs, which is around 7%. You can find more information about Arbor’s dividend yield on their investor relations website:

What is Arbor Realty Trust Common Stock?

Arbor Realty Trust Common Stock is the publicly traded stock of Arbor Realty Trust, Inc. It is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol ABR. You can find more information about Arbor Realty Trust Common Stock on their investor relations website:

What is Arbor Realty Trust’s strategy?

Arbor Realty Trust’s strategy is to invest in a diversified portfolio of real estate-related assets. They focus on multifamily and commercial real estate-related loans and other debt investments. They also selectively invest in other real estate-related assets, including equity investments in certain situations. You can find more information about Arbor’s strategy on their investor relations website:


Arbor Realty Trust is a well-respected and successful REIT that provides financing solutions for real estate investors. They have a long history of providing innovative and flexible financing solutions to their clients, and they are committed to building long-lasting relationships with their clients. If you are looking for a reliable and trustworthy partner for your real estate financing needs, Arbor Realty Trust is an excellent choice.