Apollo Asset Mgmt 6375% B Pfd

Apollo Asset Mgmt 6375% B Pfd
Apollo Asset Mgmt 6375% B Pfd



Apollo Asset Management Inc. 6.375% Series B Preferred Stock: History, Vision, and Corporate Information


Apollo Asset Management Inc. 6.375% Series B Preferred Stock is one of the most popular stock options for investors who are looking for high returns with low risk. This preferred stock is issued by Apollo Asset Management Inc., which is a leading investment management company based in the United States.

History of Apollo Asset Management Inc. 6.375% Series B Preferred Stock

The Apollo Asset Management Inc. 6.375% Series B Preferred Stock was first offered in 2016. Since then, it has gained popularity among investors who are looking for stability and predictable returns on their investments. The preferred stock, which is available on the New York Stock Exchange, is known for its stable dividends and low volatility, which makes it an attractive option for investors who want to minimize risk.

Representative of Apollo Asset Management Inc. 6.375% Series B Preferred Stock

The representative of Apollo Asset Management Inc. 6.375% Series B Preferred Stock is the company’s CEO, Leon Black. He has been with the company since its inception in 1990 and has played a key role in shaping the company’s investment philosophy and strategy. Black is known for his expertise in alternative investments and private equity, and he has been recognized as one of the most influential people in the world of finance by Forbes.

Vision of Apollo Asset Management Inc. 6.375% Series B Preferred Stock

The vision of Apollo Asset Management Inc. 6.375% Series B Preferred Stock is to provide investors with a low-risk, high-return investment option. The company’s investment philosophy is based on the principles of value investing and risk management, which is why the preferred stock is known for its stable dividends and low volatility.

Corporate Information

Apollo Asset Management Inc. is a publicly traded company that was founded in 1990. The company has offices in cities around the world, including New York, London, Hong Kong, and Mumbai. Apollo Asset Management Inc. is known for its expertise in alternative investments, including private equity, credit, and real estate. The company’s clients include institutional investors, high net worth individuals, and retail investors.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the current stock price of Apollo Asset Management Inc. 6.375% Series B Preferred Stock?

You can find the current stock price of Apollo Asset Management Inc. 6.375% Series B Preferred Stock on the New York Stock Exchange website, or by checking any major financial news outlet.

How often are dividends paid on Apollo Asset Management Inc. 6.375% Series B Preferred Stock?

Dividends on Apollo Asset Management Inc. 6.375% Series B Preferred Stock are paid quarterly, on a schedule determined by the company’s board of directors.

Is Apollo Asset Management Inc. a good company to invest in?

Apollo Asset Management Inc. has a solid reputation in the world of finance, and the company’s investment philosophy is based on principles of value investing and risk management, which are known to be effective in generating returns while minimizing risk. However, as with any investment opportunity, it is important to do your research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.


Apollo Asset Management Inc. 6.375% Series B Preferred Stock is a stable and attractive investment option for investors who are looking for high returns with low risk. The company’s investment philosophy and strategy are based on principles of value investing and risk management, which makes it an ideal choice for investors who want to minimize risk while generating stable returns. If you are interested in investing in a reliable and trusted company, Apollo Asset Management Inc. is definitely worth considering.

Useful Links:
– https://www.apollo.com/ (Apollo Asset Management Inc. official website)
– https://www.nyse.com/quote/XNYS:AINV-C (Apollo Asset Management Inc. 6.375% Series B Preferred Stock on NYSE)